Monday, July 8, 2013

The Walking Dead 400 Days Review

Last year gave us an amazing game from Telltale Games, The Walking Dead. It was a heart felt story from beginning to end and one of the most memorable gaming experiences that won't soon be forgotten any time soon. Now in the wake of waiting for The Walking Dead Season 2, Telltale gives us a nice snack to keep us excited for the next season. Sadly this mini-sode isn't as satisfying as I would have liked.

It's exactly like a fin size candy bar, 
nice to have but oh so unsatisfying.

So this mini-sode is actually five different stories all taking place within 400 days and most are intertwined among each other with little set and plot pieces. Each story has a different main character with each one being very different from the next and also each one of the stories has a different style "gameplay" that is famous in The Walking Dead. When you play as Shel it's the take your time and slowly choose a path for role playing, but with Bonnie it's the fast paced avoiding the enemy kind of action. So each one has that nice Walking Dead feel to it.

Sadly they cut out the karting level.

Now for some bad news, as I said before it's unsatisfying. The length of each story is only about 20 to 30 minutes long. With a finishing time of about  2-3 hours which is pretty sad compared to the 4-5 hours of gameplay that's expected with each episode from season 1. But why lie, I really enjoyed playing through each character's story and wanted to see more of these characters. If this is what we have to expect with the upcoming season I'm pretty damn excited to see what's going to happen next.

Hopefully it's Clementine: Renegade Zombie Cop!
Jumping the shark seems like a good idea this soon.

So in retrospect it's a fun experience but it's too short for it's own good. It leaves you hungry for more point and click adventuring but at the end of the night it's a good five bucks spent to keep you excited for more Walking Dead. Walking Dead 400 Days get three Clementines out of five.