Friday, May 10, 2013

Iron Man 3 Review

I had a dream a few months before this movie was released, I went to see this movie and it was pretty much a buddy cop flick with Iron Man and Iron Patriot and they would high five a lot. Well as it turns out my dream wasn't entirely off.

Sadly Iron Man and Iron Patriot do not solve crimes and have high speed
car chases in this pimp mobile the toy companies made for them.

The interactions between the two almost feel like they're out of Lethal Weapon, and is played for some really good laughs. Now I'm going to try and do a spoiler free review because there's a lot of spoilers that I just can't give away. Hell I can't even talk about the villain unless I want to spoil a great twist ending. 

Not gonna I lie, I shit myself when I saw him.

Well the basic plot is Tony is having anxiety attacks because of the wormhole in The Avengers and some asshat named Mandarin has to make it worse by blowing his house up because he's a jerk. So Tony goes through a journey of himself and doesn't drink any alcohol or listen to any AC/DC. And he's reshaped as the godlike being known as Bat...I mean Iron Man.  Oh those rich playboys saving the day from terrorist attacks. 

So it's really not an Iron Man movie with some amazing high flying action scenes, well this one blows every action scene from the previous two and cranks it up to twenty. Every action feels so natural and fast paced whether he's in the suit or not Tony can kick ass but not as much ass as Don Cheadle.

 He'll turn you into a fucking tree if you do fuck with him.

So I guess this is where I should put some complaints, I guess the only one I really have is the ending with a certain fake death of character, I won't say who but I was really hoping this movie could keep up with these twists and kill off one of the main characters. But at the same time I can see why they didn't, they probably changed it for good measures since a general audience would be sad, which is what you aim for with movies, emotions. And if they had gone through with killing off this character I think it would have made for a better movie. Still at the end of the day this movie is still an amazing flick and a great end to the Iron Man trilogy.

It receives 4.5 Iron Man riding an eagle out of 5

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