Sunday, February 17, 2013

Wario Land 2 A Childhood Retrospect

I remember playing Super Mario Land 2 and finally getting to the end boss, Wario, he was a pain in the ass to beat and a great new enemy for Mario. A much better enemy compared to whatever the fuck tried killing you in the first Mario Land.

Seriously why was there an Easter Island Head trying to kill me?

Well after beating Super Mario Land 2 I discovered Wario Land 2 and this was a huge surprise. It was the first time I ever got to play as a villain in a videogame and this blew my mind. I picked it up and realized this is the greatest thing ever. I was kinda disappointed you weren't going out and destroying Mario and the Mushroom Kingdom, but instead going out and getting your treasure back from the evil Captain Syrup. And what a villain she is, a total opposite of Wario in body design.

The only thing they have in common body wise is there chest size.

  So the concept of not being able to die and only losing coins just proves how much stronger Wario is compared to Mario.   Wario also had way different attack types compared to Mario, he couldn't kill an enemy by just jumping on them instead he had to stomp on them or shoulder charge their asses. So basically what I'm getting at is Wario is a badass who is invincible. As a kid this basically translated to meaning Wario was better than Mario and that I should try being like Wario. So in translation I became a greedy guy who eats garlic and throws people with only one arm. 

Okay maybe I'm not that strong.

Wario is an anti-hero, a guy you're supposed to like but not aim to be. Well strangely enough I was inspired to be like Wario, why? Because he's an asshole and thanks to Wario I'm an asshole. Any normal person would say it'd be caused by some issue from childhood, but seriously fuck that I wanted to be like Wario. This game helped shape and form me into who I am today, but I've played more than just this game and there's almost always something that helped shape me besides games. In retrospect the things we play and watch, help inspire us, make us into what we are and who we are...fuck it I'm going back to reviewing movies stay tuned in the next few days for something shitty from netflix, A Talking Cat!?! Oh dear god what the fuck have I gotten myself into.

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