Friday, March 1, 2013

A Good Day to Die Hard Review

You know this movie doesn't deserve to be part of the Die Hard series. Why? Because the action and story are duller than warm butter. The only good things are Bruce Willis' one liners and one of the coolest car chases ever. Seriously they destroyed so many cars in that chase.

But still not as much as Truckasaurus.

So McClane goes to Russia to see his son who was arrested for killing some guy and it's related to some other case so they're tried together. So as soon as the court starts and drama is about to begin they say fuck drama, bring in some explosions.


So McClane Jr escapes with the other guy who happens to be some political prisoner with lots of money. And John sees them escape and yells Jack and Jack ignores him and starts driving away and then the terrorist Chase after Jack and them John chases them and Yakety Sax should have started playing.

Just saying he's already in a car just have him chase after the McClanes.

So there's about a ten minute car chase scene and as I've stated before it's a pretty well made car chase. But once it's over its back to John yelling at Jack and Jack not giving two shits because John ruined everything about his mission. Too bad by the end it turns out some one isn't as good as they seem. Seriously when is the Russian guy in movies ever good?

Russia, birthplace of the modern villain.

So action happens and remember that one scene from Hot Shots Part Deux were they start the body count and they're being shot and dying in lines? That's this scene right here. Just people lining up to literally be killed.

Or like Kung-Fu

So they run to the rendezvous point were we meet the Russian guys daughter and then she turns on them and more action. Then there's more of a body count and they fall from from a great height and survive because Die Hard that's why! So they realize it's time to go to Chernobyl because an abandoned town is the best place to have a shoot out because you know Expendables 2 didn't do that already and way better.

"I just wanted to be accepted guys. 
I mean you barely invited me to the last shoot out."

So they get there and kill everybody and radiation poisoning. The End.

Seriously they land in a pool of water that's probably been there since the Chernobyl incident and I'm no nuclear physicist but I've played a lot of the fallout series and water that's been in fallout is no good.

That is unless they have one of these.

So this wasn't so good and you wanna know why? The action scenes were plentiful but not that well done. The acting was hammy and clichéd. The story dull and predictable. 
Well if I had to give it a score I guess it'd get a one exploding drama out of five.

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