Monday, February 24, 2014

Rolling Stones Top 500 Albums Binge Part 3: The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses

This is why I wanted to do this binge, to discover new albums and artists. I'm glad it took only three albums to do this, even though after this it's back to well known stuff. And you know what I'm glad this one came so soon, it's the kinda alternative rock I've been looking for. I'm just pleasantly surprised that I found an album that I liked this much so early. It might just be how my taste in music is more leaning towards the more alternative scenes but I just can't get enough of this album.

Being alternative is so cool. 
Yeah ask my white headed friend behind you, 
he'll say the same thing!

But in all honesty next time I go to a music shop I'm going to keep a good eye out for this album. And I'm sad to say I'm not too excited for tomorrow's album just because it's one I've heard of already, but hey stay tuned for The White Stripes White Blood Cells.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Rolling Stones Top 500 Albums Binge Part 2: B.B. King - Live in Cook County Jail

Last time I didn't mention this but this time I've just gotta, I love that cover picture. That cover is letting you know that it's time to enjoy some damn fine music. B.B. King is awesome, this album is awesome. That's the shortest I can put it. But here's a confession of mine I'm not exactly a huge fan of live music, it's really hit or miss with me. But the good news is this one hits it straight out of the park.
But here's another confession on further listening I feel almost like I'm going to pass out. It's still an entertaining album it's just filled me up my Bluesometer to the max.

The Bluesometer is measured by how many beers it will take to
make everything "better"

I never had to stop and skip ahead with this album and was able to listen to it all the way through with no problems, but at the same time I found there was nothing all that spectacular for me in this record. Maybe it's just the blues talking but I think it's time to continue on this binge next time I'll be talking about The Stone Roses debut album.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Rolling Stones Top 500 Albums Binge Part 1: OutKast - Aquemini

I have set a challenge to listen to every album off of this list. I will be doing short reviews for each and every album and giving just my own personal opinion. To start it all off I begin with the 1998 album Aquemini by OutKast. Hip-hop really isn't my forte so truth be told I'm not this album's audience, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit I like this album. But that's really all I can say I wouldn't be able to tell you more about it since as I've pointed out already I don't know that much about hip-hop.

Pictured above, the most accurate reason 
why I don't listen to that much hip-hop.

And here's my quick track by track opinion because I have no clue what else to say about this album besides it's kicking:
1. Hold On, Be Strong: Pointless intro that can be skipped
2. Return of the G: Feeling pretty gangsta here
3. Rosa Parks: Probably the best track
4. Skew it on the Bar-B: I like Raekwon
5. Aquemini: What's my sign again?
6. Synthesizer: I like George Clinton
7. Slump: Good song, not my favorite but I like it
8. West Savannah: I take it back I think this is my favorite track
9. and 10. Da Art of Storytellin' Part 1 and 2: Wait no these two tracks are my favorites
11. Mamacita: The Hispanic part of me can't even like this garbage
12. SpottieOttieDopaliscious: Lol wat?
13. Y'all Scared: Should I be?
14. Nathaniel: Wait...what?
15. Liberation: I like Cee-lo and Erykah Badu
16.  Chonkyfire: Now that's an album ending

Well tune back soon for B.B. King Live In Cook County Jail